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Michelle Sproule

Lead Consultant


My Story

I have been with Scentsy since September of 2010. I joined Scentsy because the product line is just amazing! There are so many scents to choose from, and all of them are different and just fantastic!On a personal note: I enjoy gardening and camping and any other outdoor activity. I was born in Calgary, AB and now I  live in Edmonton, AB. I am a mother of three, 2 boys and 1 girl. The oldest boy has finished school and is now working for Darrel's Evestroughing in Edmonton for his girlfriend's father, Darrel. My youngest boy is heading into his last year of elementary school, grade 6...does time ever fly! My youngest son was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder in kindergarten. He is a handful sometimes but an absolute joy to be around. My daughter is going to start her last year of high school this coming September, and she is so excited, but also nervous for the future. She has also just passed her learner's exam and is going to be driving! My children are all very, very loud, so if any of them become an announcer, no microphone will be needed for people to hear them! <!--endbody-->